Oh, the Places You'll Go!

People keep asking me if I am all ready to go to Cambodia. I find it an odd question. On the one hand, the trip is still over a month away. I have yet to get to Target or Walmart or Shopko to pick up the basics: mosquito repellant with 100% DEET, sunscreen with SPF a gajillion, powdered drink mixes with electrolyte replacement, etc. I don't know what clothes I will pack. I want to print pictures to take along, but I haven't done that yet. I haven't even started making lists for the family of things to remember/do while I am gone. So, NO!! I'm not ready to go to Cambodia. Not even close.

On the other hand, I dream about what it will be like there. I imagine myself on the flight, and exploring the sights in Cambodia. I pray daily that I will be open to all God has for me on this trip. I love sharing with others about what I will be doing. I long to be there so much, that sometimes it seems like a part of me is already there. So, YES!!! I'm ready to go to Cambodia.

I’m a mixed up girl.

This is R.J. and I, in Grand Marais, about 4 years ago.
The trip to Cambodia is full of unknowns. It’s an unopened or maybe even unwritten book. At times, it’s overwhelming to think of all the differences in the environment/people/culture, and the fact that I’ll be experiencing it all without my constant travel companion and best friend, my husband R.J. We just don’t take separate vacations. I enjoy having his interpretation of events alongside mine, and comparing the two. I look for his hand to hold when I’m out walking. The truth is, I like him. :-) The plan for him to stay home is a solid one. He wasn’t called to go to Cambodia; I was. And his presence at home makes it much easier to be gone for this extended period of time. But still…I will miss him, and it’s hard to think of being away from home for over three weeks.

These moments of trepidation started me thinking of a favorite book by Dr. Seuss. Oh, the Places You’ll Go! is frequently given as a graduation present, but it definitely has applications for this trip. One especially applicable quote is as follows:

“All Alone!
Whether you like it or not,
Alone will be something
you’ll be quite a lot.
And when you’re alone, there’s a very good chance
You’ll meet things that scare you right out of your pants.
There are some, down the road between hither and yon,
That can scare you so much you won’t want to go on.
But on you will go
Though the weather be foul
On you will go
Though the enemies prowl.
On you will go
Though the Hakken-Kraks howl.
Onward up many
A frightening creek,
Though your arms may get sore
And your sneakers may leak.”

I can go on because I have a God bigger than the Hakken Kraks. He will hold me up when my arms get sore and my sneakers leak. He’s that kind of a Father. I know that…

“… when things start to happen,
don’t worry. Don’t stew.
Just go right along.
You’ll start happening too.”

So here I go! And if you want to see where I’ll go, I found this neat trip planner map for you!

Travel Map
