Her Eyes

Several years ago, my friend Janel and I ended up getting the same eyeglasses at almost exactly the same time. We noticed and laughed, knowing that neither of us was likely to change glasses anytime soon (too expensive!), so we better get used to matching. Since we weren't extremely fashion-forward, we could just accept the coincidence and smile, if and when we actually remembered and noticed.

To tell you the truth, I enjoyed matching Janel.  Can you think of anything better than having eyes like hers? Janel's eyes noticed everything, or should I say everyone. She noticed when people were alone and knew just how to make them feel welcomed. She could see pain or hurt as well, and compassion flowed as freely from her heart as the tears did from her eyes. She could see just how to win at almost any game, so look out if you were in a competition with her.  Oh, and were her eyes ever sharp when it came to finding a bargain! She could find more ways to spend nothing than anyone I've ever known. My favorite, though, was seeing her eyes dance with joy. Janel  knew how to enjoy life, and she also knew how to tell a story about her many experiences enjoying life! Her eyes sparkled when she spoke of her family and glowed when she spoke of her Lord.

I am reminded of an OLD Amy Grant song called “Father's Eyes”:

On that day when we will pay for all the deeds we've done
Good and bad they'll all be had to see by everyone
And when you're called to stand and tell just what you saw in me
More than anything I know, I want your words to be

She had her father's eyes, her father's eyes
eyes that found the good in things when good was not around
eyes that found the source of help when help would not be found
Eyes full of compassion, seein' every pain
Knowin' what you're goin' through and feelin' it the same

Just like my father's eyes …

Janel did (does) have her Father's eyes, and I am going to miss those wonderful windows to her soul. My own eyes are filling with tears, thinking about having to wait for our heavenly reunion to see them again. Goodbye, dear friend. I miss you already.


  1. Liz, beautifully written. Thank you for sharing your lovely thoughts and ours as well, as together we will look forward to again enjoying or perhaps being the wonderful sparkle of God's spirit Janel shared with us all.


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