We have moved into our new home! The former owners of
this place graciously allowed us to move belongings into the spacious garage a
couple of days ahead of our closing date. The move would have been significantly
more challenging without that provision, and we are grateful that we were
allowed to do that. Even so, there were some hiccups in the moving process.
Several heavy items were a big challenge to move, and one big wardrobe remains
in our old home as it simply would not come out (and nearly did in a couple of
our helpers in the attempt). After moving all day long (9:00 a.m. to after 10:00
p.m.) the day before our closing, we slept one more time in the old house, on an
air mattress.
Moving day chaos |
So many people helped - even Elle! |
Moving our final belongings out the next morning became a bit of
a challenge as well, as we kept discovering more and more things that were
still in the house. R.J. could see the problem long before I could. In the end,
we made it out before the 7:30 a.m. deadline, with the help of our amazing friend/realtor,
Pete Dokken. We took our cat to our kids’ apartment while we closed on the new
house, and because I only THOUGHT I closed the kennel, she escaped for a few
minutes out in the parking lot. It was very cold and snowing, so by the time we
got her back she was shivering. I apologized for being a bad cat mom, and I
think/hope Rilla forgave me. The closing itself was seamless and fairly
painless, but when we emerged from closing and checked the weather, what had
been a slight chance of snow turned into a Winter Storm Warning. We moved from
the garage to the new house in snow. R.J. and I ran out of steam somewhere in the
mid/late afternoon of Friday, January 18. We still needed to move in some heavy
items but called it a day. After our first sleep in our new home, we woke up to
a new, much longer driveway that needed shoveling. Thankfully, more gracious
friends showed up that afternoon to help us move in those final big items as we
were still out of gas. In all, I counted at least 27 people who helped us with
the move and many more who brought food or prayed for us. God even provided an
extra day off school (weather-related closure) for me to continue settling in
after the weekend was over! We are so very blessed.
Friends helped set up our dining room table |
Our snowy driveway, on the day after we moved in. |
We are now in the process of unpacking and trying to
figure out where everything goes. In spite of my de-junking for the better part
of six months in preparation for the move, we still have TOO MUCH STUFF. Moving
here has been extremely good for me. There are so many belongings that no
longer hold joy for me, and I am ready to part with them. There was something
about seeing how many boxes it took to hold all our things (and then being a
part of the process to move all those boxes) that made me reevaluate my need
for those things. I decided as I packed that a garage sale in the spring would
be a great way to meet my new neighbors. More sorting is occurring as we unpack,
to figure out which items belong in the garage sale category. Yay! Fewer
belongings will be better. We consider that we basically are moving to a three
bedroom apartment with this move, as we will have one level of the house only.
However, the addition of our fabulous garage for storage, and our four season
porch as well, really does mean we are doing quite well on space. I will say
that EVERYONE should have a four season porch available while unpacking. It
makes a great place to stack empty boxes and to stash items until I decide
where they go. I love it!
Our new bedroom |
Dining room, looking to the kitchen |
Living room, looking to the dining room |
Rilla, looking to the neighborhood |
Our tradition of family nights is continuing at the new place! |
Our four season porch/moving staging area |
This whole process – preparing myself for moving,
preparing (and repairing) the old house for sale, finding the RIGHT new place
to live, and then actually moving – has been emotionally and physically exhausting.
Saying goodbye to the old house was draining. R.J. and I both found ourselves
almost unable to make decisions at by midway through the first moving day. I
even hid in the empty basement for a while, with the cat. I picked up a broom
and swept the floor just to make it look like I was doing something down there,
even though I knew I was just hiding. It was too much! I’m so glad for those
many people who just came in and moved stuff and made decisions when we simply could
not. Our friends and family rock.
Goodbye, old home. You were magnificent! |
Winter has been in full swing here in the Midwest this week.
After a very mild end of December and first half of January, this past week or
so (pretty much ever since we moved) has been intense. Overnight last night, we
had a storm that dropped just over seven inches of snow on us and now we are
headed into an arctic deep freeze. School was cancelled today from the snow and
the next two days have already been cancelled from the cold. On Wednesday, the
high is predicted to be -19, with a low around -30 and wind chills dropping the
temperature another 20 to 30 degrees at times. This is a good time to stay
inside, which is working to our advantage as we unpack our belongings. The
extra time off work helps, too. You know what? It is exciting to be in this new
place. I am enjoying settling in, and the stress has decreased exponentially now
that we are on this side of it all. The chaos is also decreasing and this house is
becoming our HOME. I am so glad to be starting a new adventure here, with R.J. by my side.
The view out our window today at sunset. Beautiful! |
Come visit us sometime and see the new place!
I think Rilla has forgiven me for accidentally leaving the kennel unlocked! |
Wow, what a process! Rilla seemed pretty content over the weekend. I'd say you are forgiven. Glad you are finally able to settle in and move forward. Stay warm and hopefully you can relax just a wee bit on these days off. Congratulations on the big move!