What makes you uncomfortable? Right now, I’m beginning day four of a mission to Cambodia. Many things could make me uncomfortable. It could be the heat, the new-to-me foods, a bed that’s different from home, swollen ankles, unusual toilets, not getting enough sleep, or even just trying to make connections with people whose language I don’t speak or understand. So far, those discomforts have been present but not overwhelming. I am grateful for that. With all of those things happening at once, it could be overwhelming. One thing that makes me somewhat uncomfortable is when a loving and well-intentioned friend says something like, “You are going to do so much for the people over there.” I am here to learn and to serve, but I am getting so much more in return each day. The things we are doing are not exactly tangible, like building a house or helping a particular social ministry. We are just here to experience what is already working in this amazing country and then try to see where w...