Love My Family

As a quick Mother's Day blog, I wanted to post a favorite childhood quote from each of my wonderful children. The days when they were little went by so quickly. I am thankful that I wrote down a few of the truly humorous moments we shared.

June, 1993 – Emily, five years old
          Emily and I were grocery shopping one day when I had to go back half an aisle to get something we had passed by. Emily was sitting in the cart, and I left her for just a minute to run back and get the missing item. Emily yelled to me, “Mom, it says here ‘Do not leave child unattended’!” Her early reading skills were amazing, but I think that was one of her last times riding in the cart….

December, 1994 – Joseph, four and a half years old
         The whole family was in the kitchen, talking. I mentioned that we needed something from the grocery store and suggested that “maybe Daddy could run for it." Joseph replied, wide-eyed with unbelief, “Daddy can run?”

August, 1996 –  Laura, four and a half years old
          Early one morning Laura said, “Mom, remember how I had an angel dream last night? It wasn’t really an angel. It was Bill Nye, the Science Guy.”

August, 1998 – David, four and a half years old
          We were visiting our friends for the day. They had several toy guns, which fascinated David. He kept “shooting” me and kept getting told not to do so. Finally, he came right up to me and clicked that toy gun at me one more time. I was sitting on the couch. I took the gun from David and put it behind my back, saying, “David! That’s enough! I asked you please to stop shooting me. Now stop!” David said, without missing a beat, “Did you want that moose sitting on your lap?!”

We had some crazy, fun times together when they were little, and we have some crazy, fun times together now that they are all adults. On this Mother's Day, and always, I am so very thankful for my kids!
