This is the Day

“This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Pslam 118:24

On this day-after-the-election, I am observing a somewhat manic-depressive internet/world. There are posts from folks who think that a miracle just happened and are rejoicing in the outcome of this election. There are others from people who seem to be reacting as though they just watched their best friend die.

The crazy thing is, I believe that this same statement could have been made had the election turned out the other way. I have dear friends in both camps. I love them all.

I haven’t posted anything in preparation for this election. I didn’t embrace either major party candidate. Many posts were unpleasant to read, and of course many responses were as well. I believe that friendships had to have been lost over the bitterness of this election. From both sides, I read hate speech.

However, I also saw many posts that reflected a more reconciliatory tone. They were thoughtful, longing for a common ground and a meaningful conversation among the people of our country. I found hope there, and I continue to do so. I find hope that we will begin anew to see the beauty in this world in the midst of heartbreak and that we will be reconciled as a country.

We can’t count on our government to do that. We have to do it ourselves. We need to show love for people who are different from us. We need to show love to people who show hate. We need to show love to people who mock us for showing love. Our compassion cannot waiver.

Today, I felt pulled out into the beautiful world that God made. He showed me His love over and over again, from early morning frosty leaves to long shadows and a subtle sunset. 

Today, in our mixed up world, I found tremendous beauty. God is present in this world around us. He has not forsaken us, and He will never do so. Soak up this beauty. Be still and know that He is God. (Psalm 46:10) 

I don't deny that there is ugliness. I see it.

I know the ugly is there, but it can’t be my focus. My focus is on the holiness of God found in the beauty of His creation, whether that creation is autumnal bounty or our crazy, mixed up humanity.

I could choose to remain in the ugliness.

Or I could choose to step out into the beauty and rejoice, even today.

This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.
