On Our Way

Our big trip is officially underway! We started out right around 8:00 in the morning yesterday. It was dreary and a little drippy all day long, but we didn’t have any major obstacles. Well, we had one traffic slow-down for an accident, but other than that, everything was smooth as glass. Our pre-written directions took us everywhere we needed to get, with no glitches. We arrived at our final destination for the day at about 7:00 p.m. I love being on the road!

We're all loaded up and ready for the trip.

The adventurers.

Traffic back-up

Reason for traffic back up. Prayers sent.

Misty weather along the way

Our major event for the day today was stopping to see a friend from college. Laura and I were roommates for two years. We shared so much – music, laughter, tears, and faith. We wrote a silly song together. We went to “the Bahamas” often (our secret code for needing to get away from the drama that sometimes invaded college life). We sang in the key of “L”. We learned sign language. We grew up, got married, had kids and went on with life, but over the years, we have stayed connected. It has been a lot of years since we have seen each other face to face. The opportunity presented itself to make the route to Alabama go through Peoria, and I took advantage of it. It was delightful. Laura and I talked pretty much non-stop. She and her mom live together, so I had the delight of catching up with Mom, too. They were wonderful hosts for two road-weary travelers. They fed us delicious apple crisp, made just an hour earlier by Laura. We got a picture or two. We hugged a lot. I feel so blessed to have been able to spend time with Laura (and her mom)!

Laura's mom took a picture of us out on their deck.
The first picture is Laura and me in our college days, and the second one today. Lifetime friends = wonderful.

All too soon, it was time to get on the road again. As we traveled south, the world around us got greener and greener the further we went. Spring was springing before our eyes! If I’m not mistaken, our today’s trip should take us the rest of the way through spring and pretty much get us into summer. This is a trip through the seasons. How fun is that?! (Well, I think we should stop at two seasons. Any more would get a little troublesome.)

The dreary, almost ready for spring landscape at home

That's a greener green.

Trees! Leaves! Joy!

Gorgeous blossoms. Mmmm.

After getting around the St. Louis area, we made our way to our first-ever Airbnb stay. Oh my goodness. This is an amazing space. I think I will live here. No, wait, we still have a trip to go on. OK, we will keep going. But if you are ever in Belleville, IL (near St. Louis) you should stay here: hard wood floors, 15 foot ceilings, fire place, wireless internet, fully equipped kitchen, washer and dryer, dishwasher, snacks and both cold and hot drinks provided. Every finish is high end. It is pristine. Our other stays will have a high standard to meet as this place has set the bar high.

The Writer's Loft

Silverstein Suite

Little touches

Stainless steel appliances.Gas stove. Keurig. Counter space.

Living room area

Bed space


All free for the taking. The fridge was stocked with drinks as well.

So, now we are ready for Day 2. We’ll make it the rest of the way to Alabama and get to hug family by suppertime. I hear Traff tacos are on the menu! More miles, more love, more unexpected pleasures – this is the life for me! I don’t intend to blog every day, but check back often to see where we are and what we're doing. 

Adventuring together is the best.
