Unscripted Moments

Today was my kind of day. The weather was just about perfect: mid-70’s, breezy, and almost no humidity. The big, fluffy clouds floated along in the sky, giving the landscape an almost-painted look. My afternoon schedule was wide open, so what could I do but take a walk around Silver Lake with my camera?

I wondered about heading out just after lunch. It seemed to me that most of the animals might be taking their afternoon naps, so I wouldn’t see as much wildlife as I would on an early morning walk; however, I figured that the bees would still be active, so I might as well just focus on them. I figured correctly. When I arrived, the bees were active and posing. I couldn’t have asked for better composition or backgrounds on their part. I love that!

Next, the butterflies joined in the fun. I found a cooperative monarch and a couple of smaller butterflies as well. They were all letting me take their pictures, and I was enjoying my walk very much.

 Even the flowers danced for me! Like I said, it was my kind of day.

 In the spirit of the day, a yellow swallowtail butterfly flew right into my field of vision and posed on some lovely yellow flowers.  It just stayed there and kept its wings open while I snapped picture after picture. These were by far the best pictures I have ever taken of a yellow swallowtail butterfly. I think everyone would agree that this is a beautiful creature! (Neither of these pictures were cropped or altered in any way.)

 All of a sudden, my snapping was interrupted by screaming, right overhead. I took my eyes off the swallowtail and pointed them, and my camera, up at the tree which I was directly under. As I looked up, I saw two adult eagles perched in the tree and a juvenile eagle flying overhead. Apparently, Mom and Dad Eagle were giving Junior some instructions. (By the tone of the screaming, I suspect Junior is a teenager.) I took as many pictures as I could as fast as I could. Way before I was ready, both adult eagles took off and screamed a little more. I kept snapping as long as I could find them in my viewfinder. If not for their screaming, I would have missed the eagles entirely, while focusing on that beautiful butterfly. As it was, I was treated to them both.

There they were, up in the tree right over my head!

This one was doing the screaming.

The one on my right turned around so I could see it.

So did the one on the left! So majestic!!

Then they flew away....

Wait, is this one carrying something? Had they been hunting before perching in the tree?

Goodbye, eagles! Thanks for the visit!

I took a deep breath. I looked through the pictures I had taken. From the time stamp on the first picture of a swallowtail to the last picture of an eagle, exactly one minute and one second had elapsed.  MY OH MY, what a sixty-one seconds that was! I love the leisurely pace of summer, where the unscripted moments simply unfold naturally. I treasure my summer days more and more with each passing year. Thank you, God, for this moment of pure joy in the world You created. You are amazing.
