Today was my kind of day. The weather was just about
perfect: mid-70’s, breezy, and almost no humidity. The big, fluffy clouds
floated along in the sky, giving the landscape an almost-painted look. My
afternoon schedule was wide open, so what could I do but take a walk around
Silver Lake with my camera?
I wondered about heading out just after lunch. It seemed
to me that most of the animals might be taking their afternoon naps, so I
wouldn’t see as much wildlife as I would on an early morning walk; however, I figured that the bees would still be
active, so I might as well just focus on them. I figured correctly. When I
arrived, the bees were active and posing. I couldn’t have asked for better
composition or backgrounds on their part. I love that!
Next, the butterflies joined in the fun. I found a
cooperative monarch and a couple of smaller butterflies as well. They were all
letting me take their pictures, and I was enjoying my walk very much.
Even the flowers danced for me! Like I said, it was my
kind of day.
In the spirit of the day, a yellow swallowtail butterfly flew
right into my field of vision and posed on some lovely yellow flowers. It just stayed there and kept its wings open
while I snapped picture after picture. These were by far the best pictures I
have ever taken of a yellow swallowtail butterfly. I think everyone would agree
that this is a beautiful creature! (Neither of these pictures were cropped or altered in any way.)

All of a sudden, my snapping was interrupted by
screaming, right overhead. I took my eyes off the swallowtail and pointed them,
and my camera, up at the tree which I was directly under. As I looked up, I saw
two adult eagles perched in the tree and a juvenile eagle flying overhead.
Apparently, Mom and Dad Eagle were giving Junior some instructions. (By the tone of the screaming, I suspect Junior is a teenager.) I took as
many pictures as I could as fast as I could. Way before I was ready, both adult eagles took off and screamed a little more. I kept snapping as long as I could find
them in my viewfinder. If not for their screaming, I would have missed the eagles entirely, while focusing on that beautiful butterfly. As it was, I was treated to them both.
There they were, up in the tree right over my head! |
This one was doing the screaming. |
The one on my right turned around so I could see it. |
So did the one on the left! So majestic!! |
Then they flew away.... |
Wait, is this one carrying something? Had they been hunting before perching in the tree? |
Goodbye, eagles! Thanks for the visit! |
I took a deep breath. I looked through the pictures I had
taken. From the time stamp on the first picture of a swallowtail to the last
picture of an eagle, exactly one minute and one second had elapsed. MY OH MY, what a sixty-one seconds that was! I love the
leisurely pace of summer, where the unscripted moments simply unfold naturally. I
treasure my summer days more and more with each passing year. Thank you, God, for this moment of pure joy in the world You created. You are amazing.
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