MY Plans...

Crocuses in my front garden
The springtime weather has me giddy. When people ask me which season I like best, my honest reply is “each one is my favorite as it happens.” And spring is happening right now, all around me. I want to absorb every second: to walk on the spongy grass, to inhale the “wormy” aromas, to feel the warm sun on my face, to see my crocuses breaking through the melting snow, to hear those first spring birds returning and singing their birdie songs. This change of seasons energizes me. I delight in seeing God’s creative hand at work. And I also delight in taking pictures of the beauty He creates. He has quite a flair for the dramatic at times.

One of those times was this morning. The recent change to daylight saving time means I see the sunrise again. Well, the alarm goes off at 5:00 each morning, so technically I could have seen the sunrise before; what I mean is I am now out and driving as the sun is rising. This morning, I think God was showing off a bit. The stripy clouds on the horizon glowed orange as we drove across town. The low, freezing fog applied a magical sparkle to the landscape. So, after I dropped my husband off at work, I stopped to see if I could get a picture of God’s artistry. The sun was just appearing above the horizon as I pulled off the road to snap a few pictures – perfect timing!

I took one picture and my camera died. I always have my spare battery in my camera case, so no need to panic, right? I hit the button to release the battery, but the battery stuck in the camera. It has done this before, but this time no matter how I persuaded, it was not interested in coming out. I thumped the side of the camera. I jostled. I wiggled. I pushed it in and released it again. Nothing. So I threw a little temper tantrum. “You are ruining my plans!!” I shouted at my inanimate battery, as the seconds ticked by and the sun rose higher over the horizon.

I realized immediately how ridiculous that sounded.

Oh, I love when God gets my attention first thing in the morning. It usually limits the amount of stupid things I do later in the day. I was instantly humbled. Who am I to think that my plans have some sort of priority in the grand scheme of things? Really, who am I to question a roadblock to my plans? And what kind of a grown woman whines over a camera battery getting stuck? Ouch. I knew the reprimands were well-deserved, so I stood there and took them.

A moment later the battery fell out of my perfectly still camera. I slid in the fresh battery and looked over the scene. Because the sun was now higher in the sky, I needed to kneel to get the angle I wanted. Humbled, I kneeled and saw something I would not have seen otherwise. The new angle gave me a view of a shimmering reflection on the iced-over walking path. It was amazingly beautiful, a gift for my obedience and reverence.

Sunrise from my knees
It seems to me that this is the third time just recently, even just since I started writing this blog, that God has tried to teach me this lesson. Maybe I will actually take it to heart and listen this time, before He loses His patience. I think it is an essential lesson to learn before I go to Cambodia. I give you permission to draw it to my attention if I let it fade from my vision again. God has a plan. God is in control. God knows what He’s doing.

Proverbs 16:3 Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.
Proverbs 19:21 Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.
Isaiah 55:8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.


  1. I sure do love reading your blog- glad you are sharing your lessons b/c I'm quite sure there is at least one other (ME!) that needs these reminders :)

  2. BTW- I am adding you to my side bar- can't keep a good thing to myself :)

  3. Love the picture "Sunrise from my Knees". Love the title even more. Can the church have permission to use the photo? I don't know where I will use it, but it is so captivating that I am sure I will find a place.

  4. Thanks, ladies! Yes of course, Karen, you (CCC) can use my picture. If you need a better copy, let me know.


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