Happy Easter!
Easter joy is on my heart. I spend my mornings teaching preschoolers, four days a week. Thursday morning, as my assistant teacher, Jen Parker, the told the Easter story, our kids were quiet and serious. Jen pointed out the nail scars in Jesus’ hands and feet (from the picture accompanying our Bible lesson) and told how those scars were there so that Jesus’ friends would know he really had been crucified and he really did die. She talked about the joy of the resurrection, how we can go to heaven because Jesus took our punishment on the cross. As she finished, one little girl said, “Mrs. Parker, that was a sad story.” She got it. She felt Jesus’ pain. Of course, Jen pointed out that while there are sad parts in the story, it definitely has a happy ending. Jesus is alive, in heaven – and in our hearts, if we ask him to be there. Those beautiful little children, each one loved by the God of the universe, went home ready to tell those they love all about the real meaning of Easter. Have I mentioned that I love my job?
I have such a deep gratitude for all that God has done for me. At Easter time, especially, I want to share the love of Jesus and the knowledge of his saving grace. I wrote this poem a long time ago, but it so completely captures how I feel that I will share it here.
--by Elizabeth Traff
The song of spring comes to me
On a breeze, gently whispering
Its message of change and resurrection,
A new beginning, a glorious display
Of vibrant color where there once
Was only emptiness and silence.
The trees each bring to life
A fresh green, so bright and clean;
The color is impossible to remember precisely
And equally impossible to forget completely.
The birds of the air burst forth
With songs of joy that make me
Want to join their chorus,
Their celebration song to the Creator of life.
They steadfastly build their nests
To prepare for their families yet-to-be.
The song of spring is everywhere.
I cannot breathe without singing along;
I cannot walk without dancing;
I cannot speak without crying for joy:
The Creator of it all knows my name!
Who am I that this Master of beauty
Should care about my life?
Yet He sings this song of life with me.
He teaches me the words and the melody.
He holds my hand and tells me
To sing with Him so all can hear
The message of life-creating,
Life-saving, resurrection joy.
The song of spring comes to me
On a breeze, gently whispering,
And I smile and join the chorus;
I could not possibly keep silent.
Oh, my friend, I long to hear
Your voice beside mine.
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