
I have been thinking about investments lately, and not just because it’s tax time. Every spring, as flowers poke their way through the earth in my gardens, I am reminded of the investment I made in previous years. The charm of the first flowers of spring is that my role in their growth is minimal. I put the bulbs in the ground in the fall ONCE (my investment) and God does the rest, year after year. The crocuses, daffodils, hyacinths, and tulips display tremendous beauty, but I can’t take any credit for that.  Their beauty comes from God. However, if I didn’t get out and get a little dirty planting those bulbs, they would not be sprouting up in my garden.  I invested, and God grew my investment.

2011 Crocus
The countdown to the trip to Cambodia has begun: three months now! I am humbled to think of those investing in me. My first “investor” is our church. Each team member gets a contribution toward the cost of the trip from the church, which considers this sum an investment. What I learn on this trip will be applied to the ministry areas where I already serve and will likely open me up to new areas of service. The investment in me personally should ideally impact the community of the church at large in a positive way, and so the church considers investments in short term mission trips to be a wise use of resources. I hope to prove them right.

2011 Hyacinth
The church is not the only one making an investment in my trip. Friends and family members have donated generously toward my expenses. What can I give back to all of them? Will the money they donated turn out to be a good investment?  I don’t know the specifics at this time. I have yet to learn what God will teach me. I can’t tell you now exactly how I will be changed during my time in Cambodia. I can tell you now that I am sure hoping to be an excellent investment for these people I love. I want to give back to them by sharing my experiences, by being a better friend or family member, and by embracing the people of Cambodia in their names.

2010 Daffodils
The third group making an investment in this trip is my own immediate family.  They are sacrificing significantly to see me go on this trip. Their investment is multifaceted. First, some of the cost of this trip is coming out of the family budget. It means we need to tighten our belts and live frugally. Then there is the fact that they will be picking up the workload I leave behind in my absence. They are capable of doing this, of course, but I appreciate that they are willing to do it. They are also the ones who live in the house with me and who will, I think, miss me the most while I am gone. Three weeks is a long time to be separated from them, much longer than any trips I have ever taken before. Any risks that I take are risks to their wife or mother. They are supporting me in the most essential and necessary ways, and without their love, prayers, and support I would not – COULD not be going. I hope to be worthy of the sacrifices they are currently making and will be making.
2010 Tulip (bloomed earlier last year)

Fourthly, my team members are investing in me. Their investment comes in terms of time, energy, and trust. I want to do my best to be a supportive and godly team member to Steve, Marti, Ron, Ray, Becky, Ben, Andrea, Logan, Marlin, Abby, Kim, Abby, Mike, Sandy, Maxine, Rick, Karen, and Laura. I have enjoyed beginning to get to know these people, and look forward to the bond I know we will forever share because of our time serving together on this trip. May God give me eyes to see, ears to hear, and hands to do whatever is necessary for the team.

2010 Tulip
Finally, the International Workers (missionaries) with whom I will be serving in Cambodia will be making an investment in me. Bill Lobbezoo, especially, will be counting on me to do my part during the English camps where I will be serving.  As the man in charge of these camps, he needs me to be alert, focused, and willing to form relationships with the youth at the camps. He needs me to be open to Christ’s leading as I spend time with those young people who want to learn some English and need to hear about my faith.

I want to be a worthy investment for my church, my friends and family, my immediate family, my team, and the missionaries in Cambodia. I want to be like the crocus or daffodil, growing in beauty in accordance with God’s plan. I can tell you right now, I can’t do it on my own. I can clearly see how UNworthy I would be, trying to accomplish these goals without the help of my loving Lord and Savior. Thankfully, I don’t ever have to be on my own.  As Paul says in 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 “But he (the Lord) said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

1.   My heart breaks for the many orphans and vulnerable young people in Cambodia. Please continue to lift them in prayer.
2.   Please pray for strong relationships to develop among the 19 of us on our Cambodia team.
3.   I am looking for creative ways to earn extra money for the trip. I would pray that I am able to be successful in those endeavors and that whatever I do might serve others in a positive way.
1.   All my immunizations are complete!
2.   Laura successfully participated in our last team meeting via Skype. Technology is amazing! We passed around the laptop and she was able to be a part of her small group in a tangible way.
3.   So far, my exercise program is going well. No noticeable weight loss, but I have definitely been sweating and working my heart and lungs. Consistency is going to be the long-term challenge, but so far, so good.
