Just having some fun

You Might be a Preschool Teacher If….  
1.       …the term “criss-cross applesauce” comes out of your mouth several times daily.
2.       …your knowledge of the Lego Ninjago world is tested. Every. Single. Day.
3.       …you are constantly calculating whether your snacks contain two food groups on the healthy plate.
4.       …your shoes are permanently tinted pea gravel gray.
5.       …you consider riding on a crowded bus with 54 wild four and five year olds a fabulous way to spend a morning (or afternoon, for that matter).
6.       …you deal with pirates, princesses, and monsters on a daily basis.
7.       …your most precious necklaces are made of pony beads and ABC’s.
8.       …you find yourself singing, “…Penelope is pink and plump, pink and plump, pink and plump. Penelope is pink and plump, a truly perfect pig,” as you fall asleep at night.
9.       …you evaluate each weather forecast in terms of inside days and outside days.
10.   …you see something like this when you pull into work in the morning.
