It's Spring, People!

Today was a day when spring burst forth from every nook and cranny of the world around us. R.J. and I drove to Austin and back, and we were convinced that the trees were greener on the way home than on the way there. It was amazing. You could almost watch those leaves popping out from their trees, and the birds seemed to send their tunes far and wide in celebration of this glorious season. I went out for a long walk this afternoon in order to fully appreciate the gift that this season is. Wow. Just wow.

I know I pull this poem out every year, so please forgive me for that. But…it’s how I feel every spring, so I share it again and again. I'll add in a few pictures from today's walk. Soak it up, friends. Spring is such a fleeting season, but it's oh-so-incredible!

The Song
--by Elizabeth Traff

The song of spring comes to me
On a breeze, gently whispering
Its message of change and resurrection,
A new beginning, a glorious display
Of vibrant color where there once
Was only emptiness and silence.
The trees each bring to life
A fresh green, so bright and clean;
The color is impossible to remember precisely
And equally impossible to forget completely.
The birds of the air burst forth
With songs of joy that make me
Want to join their chorus,
Their celebration song to the Creator of life.
They steadfastly build their nests
To prepare for their families yet-to-be.
The song of spring is everywhere.
I cannot breathe without singing along;
I cannot walk without dancing;
I cannot speak without crying for joy:
The Creator of it all knows my name!
Who am I that this Master of beauty
Should care about my life?
Yet He sings this song of life with me.
He teaches me the words and the melody.
He holds my hand and tells me
To sing with Him so all can hear
The message of life-creating,
Life-saving, resurrection joy.
The song of spring comes to me
On a breeze, gently whispering,
And I smile and join the chorus;
I could not possibly keep silent.
Oh, my friend, I long to hear
Your voice beside mine.

Red Winged Blackbird

Silver Lake Spillway
Robin, fresh from digging in the dirt

Along the Zumbro River
Time for a picnic, I think.

This next looks ready for action!
Buds aplenty

Hello, sparrow! Welcome to spring.
