The Brain of Liz

We have been on vacation for this past week. Our vacation does not involve posh resorts and swimming pools. We started out at a resort on the lake with the family, and now we are staying in a nice, cabin-like motel with a kitchen so we can cook for ourselves. We are spending as much time outside as we can, hiking at Minnesota State Parks and other scenic locations. As we were on the trail this morning, it occurred to me that sometimes, my brain goes into overdrive. That happens, more often than not, when I am out in the woods. Sure, it’s peaceful enough out there, and I totally enjoy my time in the natural world, but I am thinking ALL THE TIME. My thoughts almost always come to me in the form of a conversation going on in my head (me, talking to me) as I walk through the forest. Most of this occurs internally, but I will admit that some of these phrases slip out and are actually spoken. I thought you might like to listen in on that internal dialogue.

Here we go.

“Oh, I really love being in the woods.”
“It’s a little cold.”
“Just listen. I wonder what bird makes that call.”
“I need to learn more bird calls.”
(Suddenly stopping) “Must get a picture of that bug.”
“What was that glimpse of pink over there?”
“Did something just move in that bush?”
“I hear a chickadee-dee-dee.”
“Watch your step, Liz. There are tree roots on the path.”                                    
“Oh! A butterfly! Land, butterfly, so I can take a picture!”
“Waaaay over there, in the shadows – it’s a pink lady slipper.”
“Oh, be careful of the rocks, too.”
“The sound of rushing water sure is soothing.”
“Good job catching yourself when you tripped on that root, Liz!”
“Time for a quick check for ticks. Don’t see any….”
“I think I can go under that branch.”
“Did I pick up any ticks?”
“For Pete’s sake, Liz, pick up your feet!”
“Stay away from the edge of the path.”
“Ah! Waterfalls are amazing!”
“Don’t fall off the precipice.”
“There sure is a good view from that precipice.”
“I really like the word ‘precipice.’”
(Suddenly stopping)”That is the coolest lichen I have ever seen.”
“I’m likin’ the lichen. Ha!”
“Now I’m hot. Off with the jacket.”
“What kind of a flower is that?”
“I really need to be able to identify more wild flowers.”
“Oh, don’t even breathe.”
“This is all too beautiful.”
“I must remember every detail.”
“Oh! Take a video, Liz! Remember to take videos!”
(Suddenly stopping) “That was a cool bird.”
“I’m so lucky to get that picture.”
“If only that dragonfly would land right there, it would make a fabulous picture.”
“Ah! Why do I have my camera on THAT setting?”
(Freaking out while suddenly stopping) “Whoa! Is that really a pileated woodpecker?”
“Oh! The light through those trees takes my breath away.”
“How can I use this in the preschool world?”
“That kid hiking past us is TOO cute.”
“I’m so glad Iron Man is on the path to protect us.”
(Suddenly stopping) “That view! It’s fabulous.”
“As long as I’m stopped, I might as well re-tie my shoelace.”
“Why don’t round shoelaces stay tied?”
“Isn’t staying tied the PURPOSE of shoelaces?”
“Now my boots feel funny because one shoelace is tighter than the other one.”
“Quit thinking about your shoelaces! This is so beautiful!”
“Why on earth do I smell cotton candy in the woods?”
(Suddenly stopping) “Hello, birdie! Stay right where you are!”
“I wonder if I have any ticks now.”
“Don’t see any….”
“It’s a little cold in the shade of the woods.”
“Whoops! Tripped again!”
“How would I feel if this hiking spot was right in my neighborhood?”
“Love you, bumbly bee. Thanks for posing for me.”
“Little flower, you’re so cute.”
“Wind! Stop trying to blow my hat off!”
(Suddenly stopping) “Spider web!”
“Even the spiders are amazing out in the woods!”
“Dumb tree roots.”
“Hey, everybody, I’m finding all the tree roots for you!”

 If you read this far, I’m amazed. The conversations above would represent a pretty short, pretty crazy time in the brain of Liz. It’s a bit of a dangerous place to be. If your brain somehow managed to follow mine, maybe you’re not out of the woods, either! (Ha! I do enjoy a good play on words.) Be glad you just get to see the pictures I take as a result of those internal conversations, rather than having to live in that brain. And for my family and friends, I love you for loving me just the way I am. Here are pictures for your reward.
