Moving Day Number 1, July 25, 2011

CMA Headquarters in Cambodia and guest house
Today was a non-scheduled day. It didn’t stop us from having a full day, though! First thing this morning, we packed up our suitcases so we would be ready to move. We needed to move from the 89 VIP Guest House (with wi-fi) to the 89 (not VIP) Guest House, just down the street. The move would happen later, but we wanted to be ready for it because we had a plan for the morning. Ron, Marti and I (Liz) hired a tuk-tuk and went to the CMA (Christian and Missionary Alliance) Headquarters in Cambodia. It was a beautiful building with a spacious and equally beautiful guest house behind it. We got a full tour from David Manfred. We also bumped into other missionaries while we were there: Judy Johns and David Rebok. Then who should walk in but our delightful truck driver from this week, the one whose sister lives in Rochester. It was fun to see him again, and he had his daughter with him so we got to meet her.

We went back to our guest house in time to do a few last internet related things and then pack up for the big move. The new place is air conditioned and has a bathroom with a shower. It has no elevator, so moving in was a little crazy. Those 50-pound suitcases are hard to lug up the stairs. Fortunately, the young men in the lobby (bellhops of sorts, I suppose) helped us do that task.  We put down our suitcases and discussed lunch, since it was 12:45 by that time. Ron and some of our friends from other groups who are still in Phnom Penh went to a nice sandwich place for lunch. Marti and I decided to skip out on lunch, or rather eat our snacks we had along, and get a taxi for a ride to Place of Rescue Orphanage 1. We were afraid of communication struggles, so we called David Ens to see if he could give directions to the taxi driver. He ended up being about a block away when we called, so he stopped in and not only gave the guy directions, he also gave him Marie’s phone number so he could call her as he got closer to give more specific directions. He called twice, and we got there just fine. Thanks, God, for putting David right where we needed him when we needed his expertise!

Marie showed the kids a picture of Liz's preschool class
The next two hours were a complete treasure to me. First we were greeted by the Rescue golden retrievers, Suzie, Penny, and Toby . They were quite the welcoming committee!! Then Marie came down, and Marti and I gave her the items our preschoolers had donated. My suitcase full of crayons and coloring books finally found its home. Marie took a coloring book with her as we began our tour of the place. First we walked through the area where AIDS families stay. Next, we went to preschool and kindergarten classrooms. The kindergarteners were singing when we arrived. Marie showed them the pictures of my preschoolers, pictures I have carried in my backpack throughout this trip. She told them how my preschoolers had collected crayons and coloring books. They were very thankful and sang us a couple of praise songs. They were so full of energy!

Paul and Marti
Beautiful BabySarah
We followed Marie and the dogs (unofficial tour guides) around, looking in on babies first and then toddlers. Oh my. They were so precious. We got to spend time with little PB, named after Paul Brandt, the Canadian country singer. He has AIDS and arrived at Rescue just barely alive. He responded to the anti-retroviral drugs and is thriving now. He’s still very small, but he has a ton of personality to make up for his size. He was all over Marti’s camera, wanting to take some pictures! We also saw little Sarah, the baby girl who was born with a birth defect. Marie takes babies with all sorts of problems: spina bifida, hydrocephaly, AIDS, mental retardation….As she said about one little girl, “We don’t know what her potential is, but we hope she achieves it.” Everywhere we went, the children smiled at, hugged, and generally loved Marie. It was plain to see her love for them as well. As the older children were out for recess by this point, we had many of them coming up to us and wanting their pictures taken. Marti was having a great time, and I was, too. Then one little girl walked up to me and started holding my hand. She was so precious. We continued our tour, and she continued holding my hand. Do you know how easy it is to fall head over heels in love? It’s very easy, in fact. This little ones touched our hearts and made us better people for having spent time with them.
Liz with her sweet little friend

Marti, Marie, and Liz
Back at the 89 “Rustic” as it has been dubbed by our crew, Marti and I walked up the road in search of something for supper. We turned left when we went out of the motel, walked up several “blocks” – if you could call them that – and found nothing. We walked back into the motel, happy to be alive after walking that far and even crossing the street. We ran into our crew, finally, and found out that there was a grocery store if we had walked two buildings in the other direction. You probably think we should have noticed that store, if you haven’t spent time in Cambodia. It’s just not that simple here. Ron, Marti, and I went to the store and picked up a little something for supper.

Back in our room, I am doing my best to finish this blog even though I can’t post it, without a connection. My battery is running low, as there are also no three-prong outlets. Yup, this is the “Rustic.” Still and all, I am sitting in a motel room in Phnom Penh, Cambodia with the National Geographic channel on TV, working on my laptop. In just about an hour, the rest of our team should take off from Rochester International Airport, if all goes well. Marti, Ron, and I are looking forward to being part of a big team and watching the rest of them experience this beautiful country.

(Posted on July 26, from Siem Reap…Team CCC left Rochester Airport on schedule and should arrive in Siem Reap tomorrow morning, our time.)

1.       Marie and Liz made it safely to and from Place of Rescue 1.
2.       Our time in Phnom Penh has been full of blessings, and we thank God for each day in this beautiful city.

Prayer Requests:
1.       We pray for safe and timely travel for the 14 of our CCC team now on their way to Cambodia.
2.       We lift up Marie and the orphans, grannies, and AIDS families at Place of Rescue. Please remember them in your prayers.
