Packing Day

Our last trip preparation meeting was today. We gathered at church and were blessed by a prayer time with the Missionary Care Group from Christ Community. Then we worked together to create a group covenant for our time in Cambodia. After that, it was packing time! Pictures abound! We had to make sure our suitcases did not weigh more than 50 pounds each. We each packed one suitcase of our personal items and then had a second suitcase available for items we will be taking to the missionaries. Packing went well and was really a lot of fun. This is a great group of people!!
We need to fit what's in these boxes into these suitcases.

Abby H. and Marti discussed packing tips.

More items for the missionaries!

Our fearless leader (guide) Steve showed his enthusiasm!

Maxine looked for a suitcase to pack.

Ron was our "officer of weights and measures."

We each took a turn getting our suitcases weighed.

Rick added items to a suitcase.

Ray had a winning strategy for fitting more in a suitcase!

Empty boxes=job well done!

Fully packed and weighed, these suitcases are ready to go!!
Thanks to all the hard work today, those of us leaving on Wednesday are all ready to go! The others will have time to add a few things to their suitcases or just practice toting them through airports. :-) Thank you so much for following our journey, and please keep us in your prayers!
