Phnom Penh!

I can tell you for sure that I am too tired to write a long blog right now. However, I did want to update to let all you great praying friends know that Marti and I (Liz) have arrived safely in Phnom Penh, and Rick and Karen are supposed to arrive yet this evening. Everything went very well, and our luggage arrived with us (although one of Marti's suitcases was missing its handle). We didn't get much sleep at the airport last night, because of very uncomfortable benches. However, our flight was delayed this morning, so we had time to explore the airport and find better accommodations for the next group when they hit Bangkok. Three or four hours of sleep over three days is kind of catching up. Here are a few pics and I'll write more tomorrow.
Marti on the Bangkok airport internet, letting Steve know we're here.

Phnom Penh, as we descended from the air.

Liz and Marti, on the ground in Phnom Penh and smiling!!
